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Week 2 - Hope

For my assignment, I spent most of the time trying to think of things that would give me hope. It was the hardest part, and I had never really thought about it. Even though we're going through such stressful times, it had never really seemed all that real to me. It almost feels as though we're just seeing these things happen through a hole in a wall. We can see everything quite clearly, but it's as if it's all just on the other side of the wall, where it can't reach us.

My first thought was of books. I have always loved to read, and books have gotten me through many a tough time. When times would get hard, a comforting book could sort of take you away and bring you to a place where those bad things weren't actually happening. Books have always made me feel as though whatever hardship is occurring would eventually go away.

My dog, Holly, is another that brings me hope. Pets don't know what's happening out in the world, and they just continue to be happy and content. Holly was especially excited that I now get to spend all day everyday with her, instead of leaving her home alone for hours while I'm at school.

The last item I thought of was writing/drawing. While we're stuck at home due to the shelter-in-place that was ordered, I decided that I should probably start a hobby I hadn't had much time for previously. I like to draw, and I wanted to get better at it as much as I could. I thought that even though we're in the middle of a pandemic, I could make the most of it by doing something productive and fun. For me, drawing brings me hope because you can create anything with a pencil and a bit of paper.

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